
The 8 things to see in Bellaria – Igea Marina

The shell museum

Unique in its genre the museum of the shells boasts not only a wide collection of shells and shellfishes, but also sea organisms and turtle shells coming from all the world. the scenario is really amazing and the children will definitely love it. You can find it inside the Torre Saracena, a tower built in the XVII century in order to defend the town from the Saracens.

The landing of the Saracens

This is one of the most beautiful historical commemoration in Bellaria: 300 Walkers-on in costume of the age d’epoca perform the landing of the Saracens, which took place right in this area many centuries ago. Per le vie del centro sfilano cavalieri, mangiafuoco e giocolieri. Tutto condito da un mix di teatro e musiche di altri tempi. Stand enogastronomici ed eventi collaterali trasformano il Palio dei Saraceni in una delle manifestazioni più belle in assoluto.

Museo Casa Rossa di Alfredo Panzini

The Casa Rossa, a two-floor building with a basement, was once the family summer house of the writer Alfredo Panzini , and a meeting place for friends and writers. For the writer himself, it was also a privileged point of observation of the rural world he described in his writings. Today it i also the location where many live performances and cultural events take place.

Bellaria Film Festival

This festival, centered around Italian and International documentaries, has become more and more important for anyone who loves “reality cinema”, cinema which is of a growing importance both in terms of production as well as distribution both on the big and small screen. A showcase of the best Italian documentary films of the year. The program involves various arts and alternates performances, concerts, DJ sets, exhibitions to film projections. An edition full of events and experiments that will surprise us. Visit the detailed program on

The Pink Night

In all the resorts along the Riviera, Pink Night will feature the following initiatives: “Pink lights up the night” Fireworks display at midnight on all the beaches along the Riviera.
110 km. of coast will light up simultaneously with the biggest fireworks display ever staged; “All day” on the first week end of July , bars, restaurants, shops and museums will be open 24 hours. “Party on the beach”, concerts, shows and the chance to see music, fashion shows, dancing and poetry.

Paths along the Uso river

It’s a n percorso ciclopedonale di particolare bellezza. Si snoda lungo la pista fluviale dell’Uso tra i Comuni di Bellaria Igea Marina e San Mauro Pascoli. In un’area riqualificata sarà possibile costeggiare a piedi o in biciletta un’asta fluviale ricca di flora e fauna. Ben 6km di sentiero su strade tracciate e ben tenute. Lungo il percorso è possibile ammirare l’Abbazia Donegallia, il Castello Benelli, Villa Torlonia e molti altri edifici di valore storico architettonico. Un’occasione da non perdere per chi ama la natura e cerca una vacanza fuori dal turismo di massa.

Isola dei Platani

Isola dei platani (isle of plane trees) is ideal for a relaxing evening stroll, enjoying the fresh air and enjoying maybe a homemade ice cream. Here you will find many shops where to shop and buy a souvenir of the holidays.

The port of Bellaria

One of the liveliest places of Bellaria of yesterday and today is the port. Since the end of the nineteenth century, a hamlet of houses, more little than huts, inhabited by fishermen who docked their boats in the river, extended on the mouth of the river Uso, which became a shelter port. There were spears, flat-bottomed pinnaces, and fishing boats, small sailing boats, rowing boats used for “land” fishing, that is close to the coast